It’s time for Luc !

It was at a quarterly TeAM meeting in the Drôme region of France that our team celebrated Luc’s retirement. A key member of the TeAM team, he joined the company back in 2016 and gave us the benefit of his previous experience as administrative director of a large mutual social insurance company with over 200 employees.

During his seven years as TeAM’s administrative and financial director, Luc has given TeAM the management tools and administrative rigor of a growing company. . In addition to being a tireless worker, he is described by all the consultants as helpful, efficient, responsive and smiling in all circumstances, curious to understand the healthcare environment in which we work, and helpful in guaranteeing the best possible working conditions for the experts.

On behalf of the hundreds of consultants he has worked with over the past 7 years, the TeAM team would like to thank this outstanding professional and wish him a happy sporting retirement.

Thank you for everything Luc, we’ll miss you both professionally and personally.