Our Team
Each of our consultants has between 10 and 25 years’ experience of providing technical assistance in the health sector in developing countries. Key personnel in the team have extensive experience of working either as national HIV, tuberculosis or malaria officers, or as recipients or sub-recipients of Global Fund grants, or as staff in key departments of the Ministry of Health, or as members of international NGOs or Civil Society Organisations.
Over the course of their careers, TeAM consultants have developed close links with national HIV, tuberculosis and malaria programme managers in most developing countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, the Pacific and the Americas, facilitating communication and trust.
TeAM’s experts have contributed to all stages of Global Fund grant application, grant preparation, grant implementation and evaluation and Global Fund processes since its inception in 2002, including the Global Fund Strategy 2017-2022, NFM, GC7 and Grant Making technical notes, M&E Toolkit version 1 to 4, Global Fund eligibility criteria.
TeAM has been pre-qualified by Expertise France (EF) since 2012 and more recently on support to GC7 funding request and on the SOFIA mechanism. TeAM has “Indefinite Quality Contract” agreements (IQCs) with the Global Fund to support Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) since 2014, on health facility assessment/data quality (HFFA/DQR/QoC) since 2016, and on health service readiness assessments, data quality, analytical and country plans since 2016. TeAM had several agreements (LOE letter of engagement) with WHO.